Living and Loving Life
Weight Loss Program
Living and Loving Life
Weight Loss Program
- Are you ready to finally move on from your new year’s resolution to lose that weight?
- Are you ready to discover the truth behind why you’ve been having difficulty getting slim and healthy?
- Are you ready for a clinically proven and natural strategy to lose weight,feel way more energized and life a life that feels fantastic?
I’ve been there. Believe me, I’ve tried every diet and weight loss fad in the world.
I’ve been there. Believe me, I’ve tried every diet and weight loss fad in the world.
It wasn’t until I trained as a Naturopathic Doctor that I discovered the real reasons I couldn’t lose my weight and ke ep it off, it was my blood sugar imbalance, emotional imbalance, hormone imbalance…and poor diet!
It wasn’t until I trained as a Naturopathic Doctor that I discovered the real reasons I couldn’t lose my weight and ke ep it off, it was my blood sugar imbalance, emotional imbalance, hormone imbalance…and poor diet!
- Are you ready to finally move on from your new year’s resolution to lose that weight?
- Are you ready to discover the truth behind why you’ve been having difficulty getting slim and healthy?
- Are you ready for a clinically proven and natural strategy to lose weight,feel way more energized and life a life that feels fantastic?
I’ve been there. Believe me, I’ve tried every diet and weight loss fad in the world.
It wasn’t until I trained as a Naturopathic Doctor that I discovered the real reasons I couldn’t lose my weight and ke ep it off, it was my blood sugar imbalance, emotional imbalance, hormone imbalance…and poor diet!
Women today face many personal challenges which can keep them from living a full life
Including issues around weight management, hormonal imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, adrenal fatigue, and more.
Women today face many personal challenges which can keep them from living a full life
Including issues around weight management, hormonal imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, adrenal fatigue, and more.
Hormone tests available for weight management and hormones:
Hormone tests available for weight management and hormones:

Estradiol (E2)
At optimal physiological levels in women promotes a healthy distribution of fat in hips, thighs, breasts, and subcutaneously. However, in excess, and in the absence of progesterone, estrogen predisposes to unhealthy surplus weight gain in these tissues.

Testosterone (T) and DHEA-S (DS)
Are androgens that increase lean muscle mass and metabolic rate. As androgen levels decline, muscle mass also decreases with a corresponding increase in adiposity. Low androgens can also reduce vitality and tolerance for exercise.

Progesterone (Pg)
in addition to its primary role in attenuating the effects of excess estrogen in the body by downregulating estrogen receptors, aids weight management by acting as a natural diuretic. Its natural calming effects in the brain may also reduce stress-related overeating and food cravings.

Cortisol (C)
Imbalances can create problems with blood sugar control, sleep patterns, appetite, food cravings, and tolerance exercise.

Estradiol (E2)
At optimal physiological levels in women promotes a healthy distribution of fat in hips, thighs, breasts, and subcutaneously. However, in excess, and in the absence of progesterone, estrogen predisposes to unhealthy surplus weight gain in these tissues.

Testosterone (T) and DHEA-S (DS)
Are androgens that increase lean muscle mass and metabolic rate. As androgen levels decline, muscle mass also decreases with a corresponding increase in adiposity. Low androgens can also reduce vitality and tolerance for exercise.

Progesterone (Pg)
in addition to its primary role in attenuating the effects of excess estrogen in the body by downregulating estrogen receptors, aids weight management by acting as a natural diuretic. Its natural calming effects in the brain may also reduce stress-related overeating and food cravings.

Cortisol (C)
Imbalances can create problems with blood sugar control, sleep patterns, appetite, food cravings, and tolerance exercise.

…All I wanted was to understand what I could do to help my body and find a simple solution to my weight problem!
When I finally found the solution I was looking for, I dropped 80bls and it totally transformed my life!
I shifted from feeling stuck and unsatisfied… to reaching my goals faster than ever and I finally began living the life I’d been dreaming about for so long!
As soon as I shifted my focus to nourishing the body and removing dietary stresses and deficiencies that stand in the way of the body functioning normally… EVERYTHING CHANGED!
I Uncovered The Secret To Winning The Weight-loss Game…
Including issues around weight management, hormonal imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, adrenal fatigue, and more.
I Uncovered The Secret To Winning The Weight-loss Game…
Including issues around weight management, hormonal imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, adrenal fatigue, and more.

… in a way that’s healthy, sustainable and has a HUGE impact on the quality of your overall health and life!I went from being depressed about my weight, avoiding socializing and even facing a big health scare……to making the decision to TAKE CONTROL once and for all… to transform my body and my health until I was looking and feeling great… and, more importantly, able to live my life in a way that supports my well-being for the future.
After I discovered the answer to all my health problems, I made it my mission to share this vital knowledge withas many people as possible so that others could benefit from the amazing transformation and rejuvenation I had been through!The weight loss journey I’ve been on has inspired me more than ever to help as many people as possible. I know how difficult life can be carrying all that extra weight around, and I never imagined how great it would feel to have so much more energy… mobility… and happiness without it!
My work focuses on the most effective strategy to getting the results you crave… as quickly as possible… and with methods that will make it easier for you to continue to live a healthy and energized life.

… in a way that’s healthy, sustainable and has a HUGE impact on the quality of your overall health and life!I went from being depressed about my weight, avoiding socializing and even facing a big health scare……to making the decision to TAKE CONTROL once and for all… to transform my body and my health until I was looking and feeling great… and, more importantly, able to live my life in a way that supports my well-being for the future.
After I discovered the answer to all my health problems, I made it my mission to share this vital knowledge withas many people as possible so that others could benefit from the amazing transformation and rejuvenation I had been through!The weight loss journey I’ve been on has inspired me more than ever to help as many people as possible. I know how difficult life can be carrying all that extra weight around, and I never imagined how great it would feel to have so much more energy… mobility… and happiness without it!
My work focuses on the most effective strategy to getting the results you crave… as quickly as possible… and with methods that will make it easier for you to continue to live a healthy and energized life.
I'm So Excited To Introduce You To...
Living and Loving Life
I'm So Excited To Introduce You To...
Living and Loving Life
When I uncovered the strategy
To reverse so many of these common and restrictive health problems, I knew I had to help as many people as possible to claim their health back!
To reverse so many of these common and restrictive health problems, I knew I had to help as many people as possible to claim their health back!

- Weight Challenges
- Estrogen Dominance
- Hormone imbalances
- Sluggish thyroid
- Water retention
- Unstable blood sugar
- Unstable blood pressure
- Inflammation and pain
- Slow Digestion
- Low energy levels
- Stress, or anything else standing between you and a vibrant, healthy life!

- Weight Challenges
- Estrogen Dominance
- Hormone imbalances
- Sluggish thyroid
- Water retention
- Unstable blood sugar
- Unstable blood pressure
- Inflammation and pain
- Slow Digestion
- Low energy levels
- Stress, or anything else standing between you and a vibrant, healthy life!

It’s Time To Revolutionize Your Health

It’s Time To Revolutionize Your Health
Living and Loving Life Weight Management Class
In order to be successful at this program, Please answer these questions HONESTLY. There is currently a wait list for this program. Please fill out this form to see if you are a good candidate.
Living and Loving Life Weight Management Class
In order to be successful at this program, Please answer these questions HONESTLY. There is currently a wait list for this program. Please fill out this form to see if you are a good candidate.